Supervisor and construction worker collaborating

HR Collaboration:

HR Collaboration:

HR Collaboration:

HR Collaboration:

How We Transformed Leave Management for a Joint Venture

How We Transformed Leave Management for a Joint Venture

How We Transformed Leave Management for a Joint Venture

How We Transformed Leave Management for a Joint Venture


















Automation, Process Improvement


Automation, Process Improvement


Automation, Process Improvement


Automation, Process Improvement


In the dynamic landscape of joint ventures, collaboration is key, but sometimes, bridging the gap between different systems and companies can pose unexpected challenges. Recently, we encountered a unique hurdle in a joint project: harmonizing leave management across two distinct payroll systems.

The issue? Supervisors couldn't easily track the leave schedules of team members from the other company. This lack of integration caused headaches for everyone involved.

Challenge accepted

The Challenge: Connecting People Across Systems

Picture this: Employee X, a supervisor from one company, unaware of the leave schedule of Employee Y from the partnering company, leading to coordination hiccups and misunderstandings.

This disjointed communication between systems affected the project's rhythm and team dynamics.

The Solution: Crafting a Seamless Leave Request Process

To tackle this challenge head-on, our team set out to create something special: a Leave Request Form integrated with the magic of Microsoft Power Automate.

It's time to get to work

How We Made a Difference:

  1. A Unified Leave Request Hub:

    Our custom Leave Request Form became the go-to platform for all employees, transcending company boundaries. It brought everyone onto the same page, erasing the divides between payroll systems.

  2. Power Automate's Magic:

    With Power Automate, we scripted an automated approval journey. When an employee requested leave, this digital wizardry routed the request through all necessary approvals, pinging supervisors and stakeholders for their nod of agreement.

  3. Bridging Platforms:

    Integrating Power Automate synced leave requests seamlessly with supervisors' calendars. This meant no more guessing games—schedules were crystal clear. Automated emails kept everyone in the loop, making communication a breeze.

  4. Clear Transparency:

    Suddenly, supervisors could see leave schedules across both companies, easing their workload and ensuring team harmony without system barriers.

The Impact: Changing the Game

Our solution didn't just solve a problem; it transformed the way this joint venture managed leave:

  • Streamlined Operations:

    Bye-bye administrative headaches! Our streamlined process cut down on manual work, giving more time for actual project focus.

  • Better Collaboration:

    With supervisors in the know, teamwork flourished. Coordination improved, and projects flowed smoothly without leave-related disruptions.

  • Building Bridges:

    Our solution bridged the divide between payroll systems, fostering unity and a shared approach to leave management.

In Conclusion:

At AMM, we're not just about tech solutions; we're about connecting people. This case study showcases our passion for breaking barriers and fostering collaboration, even in the most complex scenarios.

Our mission is to make technology work for people, bringing teams closer together and empowering collaboration, one innovative solution at a time.

P.S. Did we mention that this all costed a whopping $0 as it was included in their Microsoft licenses.

Yes baby

Thank you for the quick read!

Chad Rossi

Power Automate Approval Process
Power Automate Approval Process
Teams Approval Power Automate
Teams Approval Power Automate
Microsoft Forms
Microsoft Forms